Java SPI


一个可扩展的应用程序一般要求我们可以不改动程序的源代码而只是通过实现特定接口并提供插件就能对源程序进行各种功能扩展。而从 Java6 开始 JDK 引入了一个可以发现和加载特定接口的实现类的一种机制,是一套用来被第三方实现或者扩展的API,使用它就可以很方便的实现框架扩展和替换组件。

在面向对象中我们推荐基于接口编程,模块之间基于接口交互,这样的好处显而易见,不需要在代码中进行具体实现的硬编码,而让不同的实现者按照接口规范实现自己内部操作,然后在使用的时候再根据 SPI 的规范去获取对应的服务提供者的服务实现。通过 SPI 服务加载机制进行服务的注册和发现,可以有效的避免在代码中将服务提供者写死。从而可以基于接口编程,实现模块间的解耦。

An extensible application is one that you can extend without modifying its original code base. You can enhance its functionality with new plug-ins or modules. Developers, software vendors can add new functionality or application programming interfaces (APIs) by adding a new Java Archive (JAR) file onto the application class path or into an application-specific extension directory.

接下来我们就基于 Oracle 的这篇文章 Creating Extensible Applications 来介绍一下 Java SPI 机制。

Dictionary Service Example


Define the Service Provider Interface

public interface Dictionary {
    String getDefinition(String word);

定义一个单例的 DictionaryService 代理具体实现提供服务(不是必须)

public class DictionaryService {
    private static DictionaryService service;
    private ServiceLoader<Dictionary> loader;

    private DictionaryService() { // Singleton
        loader = ServiceLoader.load(Dictionary.class);

    public static synchronized DictionaryService getInstance() {
        if (service == null) {
            service = new DictionaryService();
        return service;

    public String getDefinition(String word) {
        String definition = null;

        try {
            Iterator<Dictionary> dictionaries = loader.iterator();
            while (definition == null && dictionaries.hasNext()) {
                Dictionary d =;
                definition = d.getDefinition(word);
        } catch (ServiceConfigurationError serviceError) {
            definition = null;

        return definition;

Implement the Service Provider


public class GeneralDictionary implements Dictionary {
    private SortedMap<String, String> map;

    public GeneralDictionary() {
        map = new TreeMap<String, String>();
                "a set of written or printed pages, usually bound with " +
                        "a protective cover");
                "a person who edits");

    public String getDefinition(String word) {
        return map.get(word);


public class ExtendedDictionary implements Dictionary {
    private SortedMap<String, String> map;

    public ExtendedDictionary() {
        map = new TreeMap<>();
                "a document standard often used in web services, among other " +
                "an architecture style for creating, reading, updating, " +
                        "and deleting data that attempts to use the common " +
                        "vocabulary of the HTTP protocol; Representational State " +

    public String getDefinition(String word) {
        return map.get(word);

注册 Service Providers

在 resources 下创建 META-INF/services 目录,以接口全路径名为文件名创建一个配置文件,内容为 fully qualified class names of your service providers, one name per line. The file must be UTF-8 encoded。

    └── services
        └── com.jverson.springboot.service.Dictionary

其中 com.jverson.springboot.service.Dictionary 文件内容如下



public class TestJavaSPI {

    public void testSPI() {
        DictionaryService dictionary = DictionaryService.getInstance();
        System.out.println(TestJavaSPI.lookup(dictionary, "book"));
        System.out.println(TestJavaSPI.lookup(dictionary, "editor"));
        System.out.println(TestJavaSPI.lookup(dictionary, "xml"));
        System.out.println(TestJavaSPI.lookup(dictionary, "REST"));
        System.out.println(TestJavaSPI.lookup(dictionary, "html"));

    public static String lookup(DictionaryService dictionary, String word) {
        String outputString = word + ": ";
        String definition = dictionary.getDefinition(word);
        if (definition == null) {
            return outputString + "Cannot find definition for this word.";
        } else {
            return outputString + definition;


Terms and Definitions of Java SPI

由上面的例子可以看到 SPI 包含几个基本的组件

  1. Service(e.g. DictionaryService):A well-known set of programming interfaces and classes that provide access to some specific application functionality or feature.
  2. Service Provider Interface(e.g. Dictionary):An interface or abstract class that acts as a proxy or an endpoint to the service.
  3. Service Provider(e.g. GeneralDictionary):A specific implementation of the SPI. A Service Provider is configured and identified through a provider configuration file which we put in the resource directory META-INF/services. The file name is the fully-qualified name of the SPI and its content is the fully-qualified name of the SPI implementation. The Service Provider is installed in the form of extensions, a jar file which we place in the application classpath, the Java extension classpath or the user-defined classpath.
  4. ServiceLoader:At the heart of the SPI is the ServiceLoader class. This has the role of discovering and loading implementations lazily. It uses the context classpath to locate provider implementations and put them in an internal cache.

ServiceLoader 源码解析

直接从 ServiceLoader 类的 load 方法看起

public static <S> ServiceLoader<S> load(Class<S> service) {
    ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    return ServiceLoader.load(service, cl);

private ServiceLoader(Class<S> svc, ClassLoader cl) {
    service = Objects.requireNonNull(svc, "Service interface cannot be null");
    loader = (cl == null) ? ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() : cl;
    acc = (System.getSecurityManager() != null) ? AccessController.getContext() : null;

public void reload() {
    // 清空缓存
    // 初始化内部类,用于遍历提供者
    lookupIterator = new LazyIterator(service, loader);

// 这里再来看 ServiceLoader 的一些属性

private static final String PREFIX = "META-INF/services/";

// 要加载的类
private final Class<S> service;

// 用于加载实现类的类加载器
private final ClassLoader loader;

// 访问控制器
private final AccessControlContext acc;

// 提供者的缓存
private LinkedHashMap<String,S> providers = new LinkedHashMap<>();

// 一个内部类,用于遍历实现类
private LazyIterator lookupIterator;

// 可以发现重点就在于 LazyIterator 这个内部类上,我们获取实现类都看这个内部类

private class LazyIterator
    implements Iterator<S>

    Class<S> service;
    ClassLoader loader;
    Enumeration<URL> configs = null;
    Iterator<String> pending = null;
    String nextName = null;

  private LazyIterator(Class<S> service, ClassLoader loader) {
      this.service = service;
      this.loader = loader;

  private boolean hasNextService() {
        if (nextName != null) {
            return true;
        if (configs == null) {
            try {
                String fullName = PREFIX + service.getName();
                if (loader == null)
                    configs = ClassLoader.getSystemResources(fullName);
                    configs = loader.getResources(fullName);
            } catch (IOException x) {
                fail(service, "Error locating configuration files", x);
        while ((pending == null) || !pending.hasNext()) {
            if (!configs.hasMoreElements()) {
                return false;
            pending = parse(service, configs.nextElement());
        nextName =;
        return true;

  private S nextService() {
      if (!hasNextService())
          throw new NoSuchElementException();
      String cn = nextName;
      nextName = null;
      Class<?> c = null;
      try {
          c = Class.forName(cn, false, loader);
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException x) {
               "Provider " + cn + " not found");
      if (!service.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
               "Provider " + cn  + " not a subtype");
      try {
          S p = service.cast(c.newInstance());
          providers.put(cn, p);
          return p;
      } catch (Throwable x) {
               "Provider " + cn + " could not be instantiated",
      throw new Error();          // This cannot happen

SPI Samples in the Java Ecosystem

Java provides many SPIs. Here are some samples of the service provider interface and the service that it provides:

  • CurrencyNameProvider: provides localized currency symbols for the Currency class.
  • LocaleNameProvider: provides localized names for the Locale class.
  • TimeZoneNameProvider: provides localized time zone names for the TimeZone class.
  • DateFormatProvider: provides date and time formats for a specified locale.
  • NumberFormatProvider: provides monetary, integer and percentage values for the NumberFormat class.
  • Driver: as of version 4.0, the JDBC API supports the SPI pattern. Older versions uses the Class.forName() method to load drivers.
  • PersistenceProvider: provides the implementation of the JPA API.
  • JsonProvider: provides JSON processing objects.
  • JsonbProvider: provides JSON binding objects.
  • Extension: provides extensions for the CDI container.
  • ConfigSourceProvider: provides a source for retrieving configuration properties.

SPI 公共方法

下面是封装的一个 SPI 的工具方法,可以通过该方法直接获取扩展类实例,也可以获取扩展的实例 列表。

值得注意的是 JDK 的 SPI 加载的顺序是按照 classpath 的顺序,而 classpath 的顺序我们并不方便显式的控制(也没必要),这就导致如果一个接口有多个实现的话,加载出来的顺序可能是随机的,在使用的时候需要特别注意一下。

另外 Springboot 也有一个扩展机制,通过在 spring.factories 文件里配置实现,平时使用的自动装载就是通过这种机制实现。可以参考这篇文章:

// 使用方式示例,这样可以直接获取到默认实现,如果用户又自己实现了一个的话,这个方法默认会获取到用户定义的实例
private static CacheFactory cacheFactory = ExtensionLoader.getExtension(CacheFactory.class);

// 工具方法类
public final class ExtensionLoader {

    private static Map<Class<?>, Object> extensionMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, Object>();

    private static Map<Class<?>, List<?>> extensionListMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, List<?>>();

    private ExtensionLoader() {

    public static <T> T getExtension(Class<T> clazz) {
        T extension = (T) extensionMap.get(clazz);
        if (extension == null) {
            extension = newExtension(clazz);
            if (extension != null) {
                extensionMap.put(clazz, extension);
        return extension;

    public static <T> List<T> getExtensionList(Class<T> clazz) {
        List<T> extensions = (List<T>) extensionListMap.get(clazz);
        if (extensions == null) {
            extensions = newExtensionList(clazz);
            if (!extensions.isEmpty()) {
                extensionListMap.put(clazz, extensions);
        return extensions;

    public static <T> T newExtension(Class<T> clazz) {
        ServiceLoader<T> serviceLoader = ServiceLoader.load(clazz);
        for (T service : serviceLoader) {
            return service;
        return null;

    public static <T> List<T> newExtensionList(Class<T> clazz) {
        ServiceLoader<T> serviceLoader = ServiceLoader.load(clazz);
        List<T> extensions = new ArrayList<T>();
        for (T service : serviceLoader) {
        return extensions;


The easiest way to create an extensible application is to use the ServiceLoader, which is available for Java SE 6 and later. Using this class, you can add provider implementations to the application class path to make new functionality available. The ServiceLoader class is final, so you cannot modify its abilities.


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